I'm listening to this in an exhausted body. My brain is firing on one cylinder, max. I'm captivated by the innate movement of a goat walking to the top of a hill. I have tears in my eyes at the imagination of a concrete temple guarded by waterfowl angels. I've seen that light through the curve of an overhead motorway bridge, and I know its sacredness. It all makes me think of watching "This Town" over recent days while bedbound. I hardly like any telly, but that is the best thing I've watched in the longest time. Perhaps you might enjoy it too..?

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Lydia, Thank you for this beautiful story. I am moved to be handed the word "exhausted" to describe the social malaise of our time. I hear it in the ubiquitous use of the phrase "busy" to describe everyone. If you're not busy you are missing out on.....? An opportunity to befriend the deep loneliness of our time? Or the world that is everywhere inviting us back into relationships of mutual care? Thanks for the morning stir-up. Adam

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Thank you, Adam ✨ It was the many shapes of that exhaustion that struck me. I think there’s a more widely spoken awareness of the individual exhaustion - bodily and spiritually, perhaps. But to be a set of individuals wandering in a landscape built on the exhaustion of aesthetic imagination?! That gives shape to so much unspoken feeling, I think. There’s so much more I could’ve wondered out loud, but a trip down the garden as a child felt right for now. Thanks for wandering with me.x

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Apr 15Liked by Lydia Catterall

Thanks for this. I feel like I might come back to it often. Lots to mull over! What a beautiful picture of little you with a notebook under a tree. It's like a sanctuary in memory.

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